Find 2025 updates here: What's New 2025
December 2024
The Admin Dashboard has a section that shows Supporters ranked by the completion rate of the Reporters that they are assigned to. In order to make the Dashboard as actionable as possible, you will no longer see inactive Supporters in that widget.
November 2024
The Dashboards for non-Admin users are getting an upgrade.
Here’s what’s new:
- If you are responsible for completing time studies, you’ll now see a banner at the top of your dashboard when there is a time study that you need to finish.
- The "My Outstanding" section will now show the deadline date for time studies.
- The overall look of the dashboard boxes has been improved a bit, with softer corners.
Reporter Dashboard:
Supporter Dashboard:
In order to increase usability and decrease eye strain, we've now increased the font of the activities on the time study.
October 2024
BRAND NEW REPORTS (for Admins only)
We are introducing two new reports designed to enhance data cleanliness.
DATA QUALITY INSIGHTS: Located in the Audit Center, this new report helps you identify and resolve potential quality issues that could affect data accuracy and integrity. For the initial release, we are flagging hours submitted for future dates. For instance, if your time study is from Sunday to Saturday and someone submits it on Tuesday with hours for Wednesday to Friday, those hours will show up on this report. Hours that won't be flagged:
- Non-Productive Hours (e.g., PTO).
- Time studies submitted before the End Date but with no hours post-submission
REVIEW TIME STUDY ACCESS: Located under Admin > Settings, this new report lists all users, along with who has access to others' time study data, based on the "Access Rights" tab found in the profile of every Admin and Supporter. Here are some common needs this will address:
- I want a list of Reporters who do not have a Supporter assigned
- I want a list of inactive Supporters who are still assigned to people
- I want a list of Admin and who they are assigned to (note that Admins automatically have access to all people even without explicit assignment)
We are updating the naming conventions for more reports, beyond what we did in September. These changes use actionable verbs in report names, aiming to improve understanding of the actions users can take based on the report information. Along with that, we are organizing the Reports portion of the navigation menu into subsections. We hope you find this helpful, and we look forward to hearing your feedback. *Supporters are also impacted. The three reports they have access to, marked with a red asterisk below, will be in the new subsections as well.
The broad sections remain the same. The new menu structure is as follows:
Admin Reports: empowers administrators to manage time study programs more efficiently, featuring tools for monitoring workflows, viewing time studies, managing approvals, and tracking completion rates.
> Workflow: Manage the time study collection process.
View Time Studies*: View all saved time studies: statuses Hold, Pending, or Completed.
- previously Time Studies
Manage Approvals*: Review and approve time studies that are pending approval. Pending studies aren't considered “complete” until approved.
- previously Approval State
Review Missing Studies: View expected time studies that haven’t been submitted yet.
- previously Missing Records
Monitor Alerts & Reminders: See a history of all automated notice and reminder emails.
- previously Email Alert History
Completion Rate: View the completion rate per fiscal year, with options to filter by business unit or department.
- changed in September from Submission Rate
Completion Rate by Quarter: Compare completion rates by department, broken down by quarter.
- changed in September from Department Submission Rate
> Settings: Check that system settings are accurate for proper data collection.
Review End Users*: View users with filters for business unit, department, and status (active/inactive).
- previously End Users
Review Supporter Access: See Supporters who have access to view or approve time studies, with filtering options by business unit, department, and supporter status (active/inactive).
- previously Supporters
Review Time Study Access: Overview of user access rights, showing who has access to what data.
- brand new!
Summary Reports: consolidates data from activities and time reported, to support financial reporting, operational efficiency, and workforce performance.
> Finance : Address financial reporting needs.
Finance: Overview of hours reported by activity, estimated annual values, and a breakdown of hours for reimbursement categories (e.g., CMS Part A or Part B).
- no name change
> Workforce: Improve operational efficiency.
Time Reported by Person: Details of total hours and activities reported by the workforce. Filter by time period, business unit, department, and specialty, and export detailed reports.
- changed in September from User Time Summary
> Operations: Gain insights to improve workforce performance.
Activity Summary: Summary of activities from time studies, including total hours, number of reporters, and time percentages. Filter by FY/quarter, business unit, and department.
- changed in September from Department Summary
Audit Center: ensures compliance and simplifies audit processes, by offering comprehensive system usage tracking and data quality monitoring.
System Activity: Track user actions for insights into system use and compliance.
- no name change
Audit Data Download: Quickly download audit data, including who submitted and approved time studies with timestamps.
- changed in September from Audit
Data Quality Insights: Identify and resolve data quality issues
- brand new!
Custom Report: allows administrators to create ad-hoc reports and perform data mining to meet unique organizational requirements.
* Supporters see these three reports too.
September 2024
After multiple iterations and valuable feedback sessions, we are excited to announce this week's release of the all-new Admin Dashboard! This update brings a host of new features designed to improve visibility and efficiency, including:
Supporters Ranking: Track completion rates across your Supporters' assignments.
Time Spent by Category: View a breakdown of the percentage of time across your time study categories.
Data Recency: Monitor how promptly time studies are submitted.
Licenses: Easily track the user count by type, and identify unused licenses.
To learn more, simply hover over the three dots in the corner of each section for detailed descriptions. In some cases, you'll also find direct links to relevant reports.
We welcome your ongoing feedback! If you have any questions or suggestions, please don’t hesitate to submit a support ticket. We're here to help you get the most out of the new Admin Dashboard.
We have revised the names of several reports to provide a more accurate description and to ensure consistency with the sections of the new Dashboard. These reports remain accessible in the same location within the Navigation Menu:
- User Time Summary is now Time Reported by Person
- Submission Rate is now Completion Rate
- Department Submission Rate is now Completion Rate by Quarter
- Department Summary is now Activity Summary
- Audit is now Audit Data Download
Please be advised that the links have also been updated; therefore, adjust your bookmarks accordingly if necessary.
July 2024
The left-hand Navigation Menu has undergone an enhancement. Notable changes include:
- Increased font size
- The Navigation Menu now remains expanded instead of collapsing
- Introduction of a new Reports section: Audit Center
- The System Activity report has been relocated to this section
- A new Audit report has been introduced
Within the newly established Audit Center, a new Audit Report has been introduced. This report is specifically designed for auditors and presents a comprehensive list of each individual's daily hours categorized by activity (and by organ, if applicable). Additionally, it includes information regarding the individual who submitted the time study, the approver (if the Approval Workflow is utilized), and the e-signature associated with the submission. We invite your feedback regarding this report. Please share your insights on what aspects you find beneficial and any additional features you would like to see incorporated.
If your organization utilizes the Approval Workflow, you are likely acquainted with the Approval Status report. This report has been renamed to Approval State, and the corresponding link has been updated. Please ensure that you update your bookmarks accordingly.
June 2024
In order to enhance the security of files stored for your organization, direct links to documents that allow for browser-based access will no longer be available. Users will now be required to download files instead. This change affects two areas of the system:
Control Panel > Files (accessible exclusively to Admins)
Resources > Your Files (accessible to all users)
If you need to guide someone to a specific file, please provide them with a link to the "Your Files" page rather than a link to the document itself.
We have made ongoing adjustments to the Custom Report to address various rare instances in which time studies were inadvertently excluded. It is important to note that the Custom Report exclusively provides data based on Completed time studies. This means the following:
- It does not encompass time studies that are categorized as Hold or Pending.
- It cannot be utilized to report on the count of users, as a user is not included if they have never submitted a time study. This limitation also applies to obtaining a comprehensive list of Departments or Activities, among others. There are alternative methods to retrieve these complete lists.
- It is unable to compute a submission rate, as it lacks the necessary information regarding the expected number of records.
If you require assistance in extracting any data, please do not hesitate to submit a support ticket, and we will make every effort to assist you in obtaining that information.
May 2024
At the top of each page, there is a navigational aid commonly referred to as "breadcrumbs," which indicates your current location within the system. Historically, these breadcrumbs were not interactive links; however, they have now been updated to serve this function. This feature is particularly beneficial when navigating within a user profile. After saving your modifications, you may click on "People" to promptly return to the People list.
For the majority of pages, the next hierarchical level is represented by the navigation menu, allowing for a swift return to the Dashboard via the corresponding text link.
Occasionally, an Administrator has attempted to input a Termination Date that precedes the date of a previously submitted time study. In such instances, the system will now execute a validation process and display an error message indicating that the Termination Date is invalid. If it is determined that the time study should not have been submitted, you may access the Time Studies report and remove the time study by utilizing the red trash can icon. Subsequently, you may set the Termination Date as required. This validation also applies if an attempt is made to modify the Hire Date to a date that follows an already submitted time study.
April 2024
When an individual submits a time study reflecting zero hours, this submission will now be incorporated into the Custom Report. While it will not affect their total hours, it will increase the count of completed time studies, thereby facilitating the identification of instances where individuals submit blank time studies.
As illustrated below, Hulk submitted a time study in March indicating zero hours:
February 2024
Previously, most email alerts were dispatched at 00:00 UTC, resulting in emails scheduled for Monday being sent at 7 PM Eastern and 4 PM Pacific on the preceding Sunday evening. We have now modified this schedule; email alerts will now be sent between 08:00 and 10:00 UTC, ensuring they arrive in the early morning on the designated day.
There have been instances where an individual submitted a time study and subsequently left the company within the same month. In some cases, when an Administrator deactivated the user, they inadvertently recorded the Termination Date *before* the submission of the time study, such as at the beginning of the month of departure. To address this issue, we have implemented a modification that allows us to include all submitted hours in the Custom Report, even if the Termination Date is not entirely accurate.
We've deployed an update, which includes these changes:
We deployed an update late last week with backend changes in preparation for future updates but no changes should be evident at this point in time.
We deployed a new update today, which includes further improvements to the Custom Report:
We deployed an update towards the end of last week that includes the following two updates:
Coming soon: for increased security on files you've stored for your organization, there will no longer be a direct link to the document. Users will need to download the file instead of open it in their browser.
We have deployed an update that includes the following two changes:
This weekend, we deployed a facelift to the Navigation Menu and added a new Audit Report.
We will soon be implementing a new Admin Dashboard. We would like to provide a sneak preview to all clients and obtain feedback before we release it. If you have not yet set a meeting with us for the preview, please contact the support team.
We are excited to announce this week's release of the all-new Admin Dashboard! Thank you to everybody who met with us to provide feedback. Our door is still open to hear more.
We will also be renaming a handful of reports. See the full list in the article above.
Coming soon:
Two exciting new reports! Data Quality Insights and Review Time Study Access. Screenshots and details can be found above.
We're renaming some existing reports and restructuring the navigation menu.
More to come!
We've just deployed one of our biggest recent changes, which includes:
Two new reports for Admins:
Report re-organization and re-naming
See the full details under the Oct 2024 section.
We deployed the following two changes:
We have deployed a change that impacts the Top Supporters / Bottom Supporters widget on the Admin Dashboard:
We have just published the new What's New 2025 article, which can be found here:
What's New 2025
In order to stay up to date on the latest changes, be sure to follow the article! Here are instructions on doing so:
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