- Log In
- Manage Your Account
- Your Dashboard
- Quick Navigation Menu
- Generate Reports
- Complete a Time Study
- Resources
Log In
For assistance with logging in, click here.
Please note: If you've determined that you use single sign-on to log in, you should follow the instructions provided by your IT/Help Desk staff for accessing your internal portals. Upon successful authentication, that portal should bypass our standard login screen and automatically open your Time Study dashboard. Please contact your time study program administrator if you:
- have any problems logging in
- need to edit your user profile
- want to change your password
Manage Your Account
- Click your username in the top right corner
- Click Manage
Update User Profile
- Update name or email address(es)
- Enter your current password to confirm your identity
- Click Save
Reset password
- Enter your current password
- Enter your new password
8-20 characters long with at least:
- one number
- one upper case letter
- one lower case letter
- one special character
- Confirm your new password
- Click Reset
Update User Profile
Your Dashboard
In the center of your Dashboard is a list of Missing Records from your Reporters.
Below that is a list of records that are Pending Approval, if applicable for your account.
To the right side, you'll find a list of Upcoming Periods when you and/or your Reporters will need to again complete a time study.
In the top right corner is your Control Center where you can see your Notifications and Manage your account.
Along the left-hand side of the website, you'll see your Quick Navigation Menu. The icons will direct you to:
- Your Dashboard
- Time Studies (past / present / future)
- Reports
- Resources
Generate Reports
As a Supporter, you can generate reports, and you can enter time on behalf of Reporters and click Hold.
Additionally, depending on your settings (as determined by your admin), you may be able to do one or both of these actions:
- Attest to the accuracy of the time and click Submit
- Review records as they come in, then approve them or return for additional edits
To Generate Reports:
There are two areas of your left-hand menu bar where you may access reports:
Under Time Studies
- Missing Records: Lists records with a "Not Completed" status - may filter by Business Unit, Department, Specialty, FY or Quarter, with an option to search by username, first or last name
Under Reports
- Click Admin Reports
You have access to the following reports:
- Time Studies: Lists records with the status Hold, Pending, or Complete by Department, Start Date, End Date, and Name
- End Users: Search users by User Type (Reporter, Supporter, Admin), Business Unit, Department, User Status, and Name
- Approval Status: Review and/or approve records that are pending approval - or re-evaluate records that have already been approved - displayed by Status, Business Unit, Department, Fiscal Year, and Name
Complete a Time Study on behalf of your Reporters
Missing Records from your Reporters will show on your Dashboard. You can also access them via the Quick Nav:
- Click Time Study on the left navigation panel
- Click Missing Records
- Run a search according to your desired filters
- Click the purple edit icon in the Action column of the time study that you wish to complete
After opening the time study form you will see:
- DATES – Listed across the top
- CATEGORIES – Listed in blue sub headers
- ACTIVITIES – Listed below each category down the left side of the form
(NOTE: Your organization's time study program administrator(s) determine the categories and activities displayed on the form.)
For each day and activity, enter the hours worked. If the hours are the same as last time (or similar), you can use the prompt to copy those hours and edit them (if enabled by your org).
Be aware of the time study form restrictions:
- There is a maximum of 24 hours per day
- Enter hours in 15-minute increments, or the system will round up or down for you
- Some organizations will have you enter their total hours for the day, while others will have you enter their actual start and end times for each activity (AM/PM forms)
- All forms submitted must have hours listed or a leave of absence selected
- The Attestation Box must be checked to submit your time study ("I hereby attest to the accuracy of this time study.")
Saving your entries:
After entering their hours, you can Hold your data to finish later or to have the Reporter attest and Submit.
If your settings permit you to Submit on behalf of the Reporter, the Attestation Box must first be checked ("I hereby attest to the accuracy of this time study.") Then, you can Submit if you are done for that time period.
- Your Files: these are documents uploaded by your company.
- Help Center: brings you directly to the database of help articles you're in now
- What's New: brings you to the list of recent updates we've made, also found here: What's New?
If you need assistance related to your specific account or other operational questions, please reach out to your time study program administrator. If you have a technical issue or question, please create a support ticket.
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