If a time study needs to be reopened to fix a mistake, but the deadline date has passed, an admin will need to extend the deadline date for the entire time period first.
- When you extend a time period's deadline date, that change occurs for everybody assigned to the time study, not only the one person whose time study you are reopening
- Only an admin can extend a deadline date
- In the navigation menu to the left, click the briefcase icon
- Click Time Periods
- Locate the time period that you would like to extend
- The list is sorted by start date farthest in the future
- The list is sorted by start date farthest in the future
- Click the purple edit icon
- Click Continue to confirm that you understand that this change will impact all time studies associated with this time period
- Click the Deadline Date field and use the calendar that pops up to select the new deadline date
- Click Save at the bottom of the page
- Now you can reopen that person's time study as normal following these steps:
How do I reopen/return an incorrect Time Study for a Reporter?
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