- Log In
- Dashboard
- Quick Navigation Menu
- Manage Users
- Accessing Reports
- Manage Your Account
- Reset/Forgot Your Password (Non-SSO Only)
- Additional Help
Log in
For users with Single Sign-On (SSO):
- If your organization uses SSO (Single Sign-On), open any Time Study email notification and click the login link to proceed, logging in with the same username and password you use for other work systems.
For users without Single Sign-On (SSO):
- If you do not use SSO, you’ll need to create a password first. Click the link in your Welcome email to set up your password. Once it's set, log in using your username (not email address) and new password. If you can’t find the Welcome email or the link has expired, click Forgot Password? to request a new one. Note: email links expire after 24 hours.
If you are unsure whether your organization uses SSO or not, please follow these steps: Determining your login method: SSO or Non-SSO
Once logged in, your Admin Dashboard (homepage) will display. You can return to the Dashboard at any time, by clicking Dashboard from your left-hand navigation.
TIP: To view a definition of the data displayed, click the “●●●” (3 dots) in the upper right corner of the module (when applicable). For additional information, see the definitions below.
Completion Rate
- The percentage of completed time studies compared to the expected number for the selected period (e.g., FY or Month). Best practice is to aim for rates of 80% or higher, as lower rates may indicate data quality issues.
- The total number of hours reported in completed time studies.
Projected Hours
- A projection of total hours worked over a year, based on completed time studies.
Data Recency
- The percentage of time studies completed within 14 days of the study period’s end date.
- Displays a list of scheduled periods for future time study collections.
Top and Bottom Supporters
- Supporters ranked by the highest completion rates of the reporters they assist, or Supporters facing challenges with ensuring higher completion rates in the reporters they assist.
Time Spent by Category
- The percentage breakdown of time spent across broad activity categories.
Study Workflow
- Completed: Time studies that were submitted and approved (if required).
- Pending Approval: Time studies submitted but awaiting supporter approval (if applicable).
- Outstanding: Time studies not yet submitted, but still within the reporting deadline.
- Expired: Time studies not submitted before the reporting deadline.
- A breakdown of active licenses by user role and the total unassigned licenses.
Unique Logins
- The number of distinct users who logged in during the period.
Total Sessions
- The total number of user login events during the period.
Quick Navigation Menu
Along the left-hand side of the website, you'll see your Quick Navigation Menu. The icons will direct you to:
Time Studies
Under the Time Studies menu item, there are three options:
- My Outstanding Records: A list of time studies assigned to you that are not started or are on hold (saved). If you are not responsible for completing your own time study, this list will be blank.
- Upcoming Periods: This list shows upcoming time periods, which cannot be accessed until their start date. To edit or create new Time Periods, click Forms in the Navigation Menu.
- Review Missing Studies: Filter by Business Unit, Department, Quarter, Fiscal Year, or Name to view incomplete studies. You'll see records that are not started or are “On Hold”. If past the deadline, the status shows "Expired" with an option to edit the Time Period and extend the deadline. You can also export the list.
Manage Users
- Click People in the left navigation panel.
- Use the search box at the top. You can search by username, first name, or last name (one at a time). Substring searches are allowed (e.g., 'Jo' will find users like John or Joseph).
- Open the user profile by clicking the purple 'edit' icon located in the far-right column.
Make your changes.
- For details on each profile field, click Sign In at the top right of this help center, log in with your work email (create a help center account if needed), and click here.
- Click Save at the bottom.
- More information about adding and deactivating users can be found here:
- Read about the different role types here: What is the difference between the Reporter, Supporter, and Administrator roles?
Accessing Reports
Click Reports on the left navigation:
- Admin Reports: Provides data in list format for review purposes.
- Summary Reports: Provides calculations/sub-totals/totals meant for analysis purposes.
- Audit Center: Ensures compliance and simplifies audit processes, by offering comprehensive system usage tracking and data quality monitoring.
- Custom Report: Offers various fields and filters for customized data reporting. You can save custom report templates for quicker access in the future.
Learn more here: What reports are available?
Manage Your Account
If you do not use SSO to log in to Time Study, you may manage your account (i.e., update your profile or change/reset your password) from within the system.
- Click your username in the top right corner
- Click Manage.
User Profile
- Update name or email address
- Enter your current password to confirm your identity
- Click Save
Reset password
- Enter your current password
- Enter your new password twice
- 8-20 characters long with at least:
- one number
- one uppercase letter
- one lowercase letter
- one special character
- 8-20 characters long with at least:
- Click Reset
User Profile
If you log in to Time Study via SSO or an internal web portal, you should follow the instructions provided by your IT/Help Desk staff or time study program administrator for managing your account. Please contact your Help Desk/IT department or time study program administrator if you:
- Have any problems logging in
- Need to edit your user profile
- Want to change your password
Reset/Forgot Your Password (Non-SSO Only)
- On the login page, select Forgot Password?
- Enter your username or work email, check the I'm not a robot box, and click Reset.
- Look for an email with a password setup link, and use it to create your password.
- After creating your password, you’ll be redirected to the login page.
- Log in with your username, not your email address.
- Email links expire in 24 hours; if you see "Confirmation Not Found," request a new password link.
Need more help with logging in?
Additional Help
Technical Issues:
If you encounter a technical issue or have a question, please click the Help bubble or create a support ticket.
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